1969 peterson strobe tuner schematics
1969 peterson strobe tuner schematics

1969 peterson strobe tuner schematics

Quad-Eight LLC currently manufactures a line of limited edition products and hand built, custom studio equipment for the recording industry. In the following years it became obvious from the numbers of enthusiastic owners and users worldwide, that simply supporting existing products would not be enough, and Quad-Eight LLC was created as a new company to design and sell recording equipment that remained true to the original early designs that defined the companies reputation in the industry. Orphan Audio began to locate and purchase more original parts, retired console systems and the original factory schematics archives were recovered and restored. And with a ± 0.1 cent accurate strobe tuner, you quickly realise just how far out of tune a perfectly tuned guitar string can go with small changes in finger position, and just how out of tune a perfectly set up and intonated guitar can be up and down the neck. A woodwind player has a hard time maintaining an exact pitch. One advantage of a strobe tuner is that it handles warble better. Im pretty sure it was a Peterson, but we are talking Peterson technology of 1969.

1969 peterson strobe tuner schematics

Orphan Audio LLC acquired the majority of the manufacturing assets of Quad-Eight Electronics™ at the closing auction and began supporting the pre-Mitsubishi products with documentation, repair parts and service. True, but there is a point where of diminishing returns. I learned to tune my sax using the equivalent of a Peterson Strobe Center 5000-II. The departure from Quad-Eight’s roots and major economic changes in the music and film industry proved to be its undoing The company lost market share and Mitsubishi eventually abandoned and closed the company in the late 80’s and sold off its assets. Quad-Eight™ attracted the attention of Mitsubishi’s pro-audio division in the mid 80’s and the companies worked together briefly on new music and film console designs. Known for groundbreaking audio designs and uncompromising quality, Quad-Eight™ became a leader in console technology over the next 20+ years, acquiring Westrex Corp along the way. Quad-Eight Electronics™ began in Southern California in the early 60’s building custom film re-recording systems in Hollywood and rapidly became a respected worldwide manufacturer of large format music and film consoles. Quad-Eight Gallery of Images | Quad-Eight Equipment List | Quad-Eight Documentation The Quad Eight Electronics website is now online! (click here to go to )

1969 peterson strobe tuner schematics